Imogene Drummond

Imogene Drummond Artist

Artist Statement
Exhibitions & Collections

Connecting Castilblanco to the Cosmos


Beyond Memory

Divine Sparks
Between Silence
& the Sea

Art Sparks for Children
Art Sparks for Adults

Selected List
Art Sparks
Terra Incognita
Memory, Myth & Cultural Transformation
Walking & Wandering: Facing the Unknown

Options for the Future


Imogene Drummond


Art Sparks offers possibilities for transformative growth by engaging participants in a learner-focused, play- and Earth-based model of emergent teaching. By igniting their personal creativity with joy and wonder, participants deepen their sense of empowerment and connection with themselves, Mother Earth, and the Universe.”

Anne Coulombe, Educator, Author, and Consultant


  • “Imogene is an inspiring teacher who has created a unique and thoughtful course to spark artistic impulses and give them new wings, new palettes, and new dreams.”

  • “Art Sparks strengthened my view to approach creation with awe and wonder and to accept the challenges that life offers. It also allowed me to realize more deeply how love is the most important source of promoting growth, connectivity, peace and harmony.”

  • “I enjoyed accessing my inner artist to create visual and written pieces, choosing from a wide array of expressive arts and materials. I discovered that art has the unique power to evoke profound emotions and to transport us to different worlds while feeling at one with the Cosmos.”


* Scroll Down for Video Interviews by Cassandra Wells, PhD. *



Art Sparks energizes and empowers participants by facilitating and affirming their creative expression. Imogene's Divine Sparks film, an award-winning film with its implicit affirmation of human and non-human diversity, complements the course. By the end of the program, participants see the emergence of their own-and other participants'-creative voice!

By combining Creativity, Self-Worth, and the Universe, Art Sparks provides a bridge between participants' artistic and personal growth. Integrating a cosmocentric perspective, Art Sparks offers an antidote to feelings of isolation, alienation, and fear.

This program increases participants' appreciation of their unique creativity and strengthens their sense of well-being. It is offered online as well as in person.



Art Sparks provides playful pathways to explore personal stories and connect with the universe. Each session focuses on a color, an unfolding phase of the Cosmos, and a life-expanding idea. For example, the Yellow session connects us with the emergence of the sun, moon, and stars-and love.

Session 1 - Introduction

Art Sparks begins with viewing Divine Sparks film, followed by a discussion, and the “Visualize Words” activity. Participants choose two of their favorite words in the film and create an image visualizing their chosen words in unusual relationships.

Session 2 - The Story Begins

This session links the film's introduction with the idea that we all have a life story. By exploring our own story through art, we can discover ways to make our lives more meaningful and satisfying.

Session 3 - Blue

The Blue session aligns the idea of possibility with the metaphorical great blue void from which everything emerged. Participants explore what it means that they are each “possibility.”

Session 4 - Black and White

The interconnectedness of opposites is linked with the emergence of night and day. This session centers around how seemingly opposite things are related, and how we are all simultaneously different and similar. The “Cut It Out!” black-and-white paper cutout activity enables a sense of tapping into creative flow.

Session 5 - Red

The idea of transformation is symbolized by the emergence of water and sky. This session conveys the ideas that each person can be a hero, and that transformation is doable. Through our artwork, we envision ourselves as heroes in our lives!

Session 6 - Green

The idea of growth is represented by the emergence of the Great Green Earth. In the movement and art activity, “Twirling, Whirling On,” we experience our growth process in an embodied way and express it in art!

Session 7 - Yellow

This session links us with the scientific idea that we are physically connected to the stars. Astrophysicist Carl Sagan's information that we are all “star stuff” is mind-expanding!

Session 8 - Purple

The idea of journey is associated with the emergence of animals. Discussion centers on the benefits of going on a journey-whether by running errands, traveling to different cultures, or viewing our own life as a journey. As the course develops, more choices of art activities are given to promote individual empowerment.

Session 9 - Orange

The idea of consciousness is linked with the emergence of humans. Discussion and art work center on what it means to be aware, awake, and conscious. “My Dream of the Future” activity builds on an earlier activity in the second session about personal goals and reflections.

S e s s i o n 1 0 - R a i n b o w

Harmony and cooperation are connected with the potential for the consciousness of all living things. The preceding colors combine to represent harmony and cooperation. We explore what harmony means and how it involves diverse elements working together.

Session 11 - The Story Ends

This session explores a sense of belonging to a more hopeful universe-by shifting from “me” to “we.” Guests are invited (ahead of time) to join in making a piece of art together. We experience the joy of collaboration, “being in the flow” of the creative process-and making a piece of art that no one person could have made!

Session 12 - Summary & Emergence of Your Artistic Voice

Participants share three pieces in which a similarity of patterns, composition, textures, style, themes, or color is apparent. Each participant's “body of work” unexpectedly reveals the emergence of one's artistic voice-an affirming, empowering discovery!



Programs in Earth Literacies, an important international eco-educational organization based in Canada, hosted Art Sparks Program online. PIEL Board Member Dr. Cassandra Wells interviewed Imogene Drummond in a fascinating conversation about Art Sparks. Here are some excerpts.

Art Sparks is Fun!
Interview with Program in Earth Literacies (PIEL) Board Member Dr. Cassandra Wells

Art Sparks is Not Art Education!
Interview with PIEL Board Member Dr. Cassandra Wells

Art Sparks Offers A Safe Space.
Interview with PIEL Board Member Dr. Cassandra Wells

Art Sparks Increases Self-Worth.
Interview with PIEL Board Member Dr. Cassandra Wells